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Check out our Sunday Evening Entertainment!

Dr. Jim Wand

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Dr. Jim Wand is the founder and owner of Wand Enterprises, The Hypnosis Agency. He has been involved in the field of hypnosis for over 30 years. Dr. Wand holds a Ph.D. in the field of psychology, has over 9,000 professional engagements to his credit and is considered to be one of the most professional hypnotic entertainers in the world today.


“Just a few of the comments I’ve received after Dr. Wand’s performance: ‘awesome’, ‘unbelievable’,'amazing’, ‘the best entertainment we have ever had’, ‘bring him back’”
– Director of Personnel, The Buckle.


He has worked with such personalities as Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, Chris Rock, Carrot Top, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Probst the host of Survivor, Sylvester Stallone, George Strait, The Judds, and Rascal Flatts, just to mention a few. Dr. Wand has also appeared on numerous T.V. programs including a national FOX special entitled “WOW”, Comedy Central (numerous times), and on almost every other major TV network.


Opening Entertainment
Ed Iannarella

Sunday, February 23, 2014

People from over 30 countries have attended Ed's US based selling workshops. Ed played basketball for a U.S. traveling team in Europe, has owned or operated 21 Cinnabon bakeries in the Northeast, is an amateur magician, plays the guitar and harmonica, and is a proud cancer survivor.

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